Sunday 19 May 2013

People, everything seems to keep telling me that I do not need them. What is the point anyway? They don't listen, they complain that they can't help (although that is mostly my fault for never knowing what would help, and again when I first needed help no one was there, so I think I learnt to deal with things on my own up to a point). I am either running around irritating people or sat quiet irritating people by not talking... Why can't I learn to give up on everyone and not bother talking to them, I either hurt them, they don't care. That way it doesn't matter.
A lot of the time causing myself pain is better, I won't be hurting anyone else, easier on everyone.
I don't quite know how you would explain to someone that the world I live in has a war going on, along with other stuff, things people will continue to say I'm being stupid and should shut up, I agree with the shutting up, but I don't think it is stupid. What if what I am doing now is the fake world, everyone I see everyday are enemies in the real world, and I created in my mind a world full of stars, good and bad people, chairs, pokemon, the bed I lie in at night, in many ways I would like it to be like that, but at the same time, I wouldn't, I don't like either world, one of war close up and the other is a world no one should have to live in, full of idiot humans who don't listen to what needs to be heard. But I can't complain, unless neither are real, that would be the worst thing, but right now, I would be a lot more welcoming to the third.

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