Thursday 16 May 2013

I think I need to shut up... I'm just going to start an argument with everyone, I guess that is one of the few things I am actually good at, starting arguments. I can't see the point of my existence if all I am going to do is ruin everyone's life, wouldn't it be easier if I was just never here. I think I should try writing again, they may make me feel better. Just write a load of short stories, depressing ones, ones with sad endings, ones with happy endings, anything in the middle and anything that comes to my head when I have nothing better to do. I am not looking forward to further pure and statistics tomorrow, I know most formulas for statistics but I'm bad at applying them and further pure I hardly know at all... I am doomed, if I am study I will just make up the maths, that would be so much easier.
But lately, days feel like they have been getting worse, I haven't been stressing too much over exams, the most I have done is complain that I can't do it, but haven't really thought about the exams themselves. I don't know what to do and I don't know if anyone is taking me seriously any more. To me it feels like most people are ignoring me, then again not much change really. And I can't blame them, they have their exams to do as well. I think at the moment living in an entirely different world is semi nice, of course there will be 'negative' impacts on this 'real' world, but at least I wouldn't have to deal with people and things that are really getting on my nerves in this 'real' world...
That way, if I did that, I would keep my mouth shut towards people here, I might go a little crazy and act as though I'm doing role play and everyone else in my head is a part of it if I was aware of something, which is quite funny really, but looking at how things are going at the moment, I don't need the extra stress. But in my head, I do prefer the idea of the alternate world, and not to my surprise, so does jack along with the other things in my head... Life really is no fun with these guys, more scary and makes things worse for me if I react to them around people... I'll be quiet now, my thoughts are making no sense what so ever...

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