Wednesday 21 March 2012


I just hate it when someone sneezes, even if they try to stop the germs from spreading, it is always annoying.
Sneezing loud or quiet doesn't make a difference to me. If there is a sneeze, it is still a sneeze.
Sneezing into midair is always irritating, especially when you are eating or just in that room, I do not want your germs all over me, our mouths are dirty which makes it even worse. But there is only one way which protects everyone else from your sneeze which is hard to spread around, sneezing into your arm-elbow joint. Reduces the majority of it to yourself. Sneezing into a cloth never helps, it just goes through it, and our hands aren't that good at protecting us either. So there is no use sneezing any other way than into your arm, make everyone else happy and not ill.
Then you have those people who sneeze all the time and they always come in large groups. And when you have to live with one of those people who also are cooking your food at the same time, you just want to scream at them. 
Hygiene is something that bothers me, and if someone sneezes over my food, and I know about it, I am very cautious, then I just think, I will only be ill, like anyone actually cares about that.
And then you have to enter a room, and someone sitting near you is ill, and they are coughing and sneezing and all that. You just want to move away, and you can't because there is nowhere else to move to.
And then you get people who have a really runny nose. They sniff and sniff, don't think to get a tissue, and continue sniffing when everything is really quiet and you are trying to concentrate. And then, 'A-CHOOOOOO' yes, they sneeze and it just goes everywhere and there is that little spec of wet on the table which is in perfect vision of a light, and it is a flickering light, so you see it, then you don't then when you've forgotten about it, it comes back.

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