Wednesday 21 March 2012

Shark Attack

It was cold and progressive, only she knew what was going to happen, there was no way she could tell anyone without sounding completely mad, and there was no one to care, many to listen, but none to care. Anyone can listen, but only a few will care. Telling someone would just mean that they can listen, implying something means that someone cares if they know what it is.
It is hard, living in a world full of people who just constantly put you down, no point doing anything if someone says you can't do that very well and doesn't tell you how to improve, just hold it against them, and that is what this girl does. If someone says anything like that that they can feel guilty for, then she will use it against them, fair enough really, but no one ever really notices until it becomes a really big problem.
It wasn't an easy day, the panic in the morning, as though something was calling her, soon to do something really bad, completely uncontrollable, and that was the problem, she couldn't control it forever. It was only a matter of time. The panic wasn't easy of course. Generally at night where she wouldn't have to see anyone until the morning, but being in the morning, she had to be very careful. She couldn't let her family know, not knowing how that will change their relationship, and not being able to do anything as there was no one she could talk to and nothing she could do to distract herself. And to cope with it, she, in panic, cut herself.
Nothing much she could do now, school. The walk wasn't easy, especially that day, she was apprehensive, and this was clear, having to walk past so many people, and judging her as she goes. Hating roads and cars never helps, especially in the school parking area, cars coming down, the buses with people on them, staring out of the window with their piercing eyes.
And the first think she saw was not helpful, the one person she never wants to see, trying to avoid her, her voice calls out, walking past saying an irritated, 'yes, I'm fine,' and just carrying on until the end of the corridor comes into reach, and out again.
And the fire alarm goes off, 'great' she thought, slowly going into the required area. And throughout the time, no one notices that she can't stop mouthing and thinking the same thing, 'bigger and angrier,' but that is just how everyone is, only caring for themselves.
The day went pretty bad, about seven times that day she cried, all for the same and different reasons, at the same time. So a bit confusing, she was still thinking, 'bigger and angrier,' and it carried out through the whole day.
She almost wanted to kick someone that day, 'oh, as usual, you did really good in that lesson,' her response in her head, 'yes, it is good that I can spend 50 minutes staring at my pen and not doing anything productive, oh, and crying, good to know my powers of invisibility are still working and I can get good grades by staring at a pen.' and after that moment where she stood there frozen, she left. The rest of the day didn't go to well, all based upon the theory that if you cry, no one can see you and that you can't do anything right, that's why your work went missing.
So, a bad day for her, and at the end, she had to explain part of it to her friend before she went completely mad, again.
She ended the day not doing that much, a bit of work and something to try and calm her, but just ended up sitting around thinking of what could happen.

The next two days really bothered her. The first of these two ended with her alone and isolated, the afternoon lessons really cause her to complain about the lack of competence of the teachers ability to teach and that it is impossible to complete the three projects in the next week.
The second of these two days was just the cherry on the cake. Someone decided to talk to her, and started talking about sharks, that didn't help, sharks were the problem in the first place. What is the point in talking to people if they are just going to make you feel worse than you already do, not taking part because she isn't a 'team player' and not wanting to talk to anyone about it.
Eventually she just gave up and said, 'the sharks are bigger and angrier then they've ever been before.'
A quietness flew into the room, everything was silent, and from then, nothing was the same.

A cold breath came from her and the day just went, having no memory of what has just happened in that day.

Sharks came into her mind, and all of a sudden, a shark attack came into her mind, the pain and the fear, a flood of emotions and a burning on her arm, it seemed so real, she felt as though she had to be there.
She held a knife in her hand, blood just rushing down her arm. Everything went black, couldn't remember anything, couldn't think of anything, it had all just gone. No one to help until it was too late, no thing else was there.
She lay on the bed, bandaged arm, and no one had any idea, no one cared, and no one wanted to listen, and the sharks had come and bitten her arm, deeper and more fierce than they had before.

Not very well written, but the idea is still the same.

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