Tuesday 13 March 2012


Birthdays just add a number to your age, something, that as we grow older, into adulthood, we never really want to tell anyone our age, because we are old.
Many people look forward to their own special day where they were born however many years ago, they get presents and cake. But, think about it, does anyone actually care? Not really, people go out to find a present you might like, and you really don't.
Why look forward to that day anyway, it isn't just your special day, it is also 19,164,955 other peoples birthdays as well, and to think about it, not everyone can celebrate their day, and for them it is just another day of survival here on earth.
Birthdays just reinforce the idea about how little anyone cares about me, and how pointless life can get. So I never look forward to it, it generally just ends in tears anyway. 
Then there are those two types of people, the people who don't make a big deal about it and the people who make a big deal about it. The people who don't make a big deal about it, generally they will have the better day, with the people they like and having a good day with their family as well. The people who make such a fuss about it, more than likely will have a good day, but moan about it the next day to everyone. And that is what I hate about it so much. People are really self centered when it comes to their birthdays. 
Lots of people make such a big deal about it, you wonder why you don't just throw a pen at them. And even the people who don't seem to make a big fuss over it, they do, probably to a small group of people. And people get so sad when they don't get what they want. I don't like birthdays because there is nothing special to them. And some how, someone will find out that it is my birthday and then everyone just jokes about it whilst I sit there thinking, 'it is so good you know nothing about me'. 
And people want to celebrate with a crowd of people surrounding them, and you don't need that.
Then there are people singing to you, which, is fine, but when someone decides to sing to you, and you are clearly not in the mood for it, doesn't really help.
Candles are annoying too. You can burn yourself with them, safety hazard!!!

To conclude, in case you got lost, birthdays are long, boring days, like every other day, and nothing good can really be said about them, so why bother? Celebrate it if you want, but remember there are those who can't, and it only gets worse when you look at the reality.
Think, you don't need a crowd to celebrate your age, just one person can make everything special to you.

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