Wednesday 14 March 2012

Happiness in Death

It was a cold morning, a cold day, and an even colder evening. Everything changed that day, for the worse. It was only then when she realized that no one cared about her, only the fact that she had an amazing sister. That was the only reason people spoke to her, and now her sister died in a car accident, when she most needed it, no one was there for her. No one, she sat in tears at school, the week after the crash.
It was the morning, and nothing was good. She had to work with the people she considered friends, until she decided to walk out, there was no point after all. Her sister was the only reason that she could carry on with life, and, now having died, there was nothing left for her.
Her mind was flooded in thoughts, no one tried to stop her, and it felt like no one even noticed her leave. As though a ghost, dead, someone who no one cares about, no one looking for her, just walked through the door, and nothing had changed. Not even the people she was working with noticed. 
She was very good at avoiding people, and knew all the places to hide, after all, she had done this many times before, and this time, like all the others, she couldn't be found.
The corridors were silent, no sign of life was present, it was like the world had run away from her, and there would be no one to help her.
It wasn't until after the lunch break did she decide to go back to her lesson, maybe fifteen minutes late, but no one saw her come in or sit down, she just started to draw. She was the best at art in the school, and always drew the most creative things, even when they had a dark feeling to them.
Today, she sat on her own, no one came to speak to her, the only thing she could do was text her mum, 'help' so she would pick her up from school.

It was as though her whole world changed in just one minute. As she left school, she began to think that there was nothing worth living for. The evening continued this, normally she would have a 'friend' come over, not this time though, it was as though there was plague in the house, and she had caught it.
Nothing went well the next three weeks, continuing the same pattern, she was unwanted, unloved, and there was no one she could talk to.
During art, she had finished her new project that week, naming it, 'Happiness in Death', of course no one would care, it was a message though, a message no one would get until it was too late.
She began listing the things she could do in her future, her art was good, but it wouldn't get her far, and she isn't brilliant with much else. There wasn't really anything she could do. There was nothing left to look forward to, her mum was due to die anytime in the next few months, her condition was getting much worse, and her dad died in the army when she was seven. So no family left, no friends, there was no one who world care for her.

It was that evening, three weeks later when she did it. Living in the cold reality, no one, nothing could make her feel better. 
Her mother asleep, she did it. She grabbed a belt and hung it up. She stood on a stood, ready, no fear, no worries, this was the only way to end all her problems, a simple solution that doesn't cause any more problems, perfect. She hung down, hanging from the ceiling, being suffocated, no regrets, no cries of pain. 
She was soon dead. The silence of the night was endless, happiness was now among her, her mother died too, that night, the whole family dead. In the morning, there was no mourning. Slowly forgotten and put behind other people, as though nothing had ever happened.

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