Why is it that when someone decides that everyone has to do a rant on racism that there is nothing that I can think of to say about it. Surely my rant about humanity was good enough, but no, everyone in the class has been told that they have to do a rant about racism, something that I would probable not be good at.
And then you are told by your other teacher that we are all doing speaking and listening. Discuss arguments that parents and their children have by looking at these images. Create your own island as you have been shipwrecked there for 2 months and you probable won't be rescued. Well hang on, if you want people to get there, then you need to be i communication with the people not on the island, so you would be able to go home and leave that island forever. But no, you have to stay there, call it Fajhita Island (it is spelt like that as the person who wrote it cannot clearly spell) and have a load of random places, a chili farm, a volcano in between the main area of the island and the airport, and it is an active volcano, within mountains and a dragon. You have to be checked for illness before coming, if you are ill then you cannot come. There is no hospital, if you become ill then you are killed, cooked and eaten by people on the island, solves land waste and potential food shortages, and if you protest, then you are classed as ill. And that teacher says we are not doing a rant on racism.
And then you go back to the other teacher and says that we are doing a rant on racism, clearly there has been no communication between these two people.
Surely I would be better off ranting about the fact that I have to rant about racism rather than ranting about racism.
Thursday, 29 March 2012
Tuesday, 27 March 2012
Shark Infested Waters
The sharks keep coming too close to push away, they are violent and they are pretty much unstoppable, I can't stop them, I can't stop anything, and the world is asleep, unaware of the truth and it is almost as though I can no longer talk to the world.
They are growing into adults, they are attcking more and it seems impossable to swim away, now, the world has gone too far and there isn't any visable hope in the future.
There is life in the shadows which has been experianced, but with the life is pain and forgottenness.
There is no path out of shadows and into the light. There is no ladder to climb out of the hole. There is no larger cup to protect the small, damaged cup.
There is nothing. Only the darkness, as though in a black hole, not even light can escape its roaring fury to destroy anything that gets too close, something that once produced light and was warm now destroys light and is very cold.
Only confusion. Living in a world, only one big puzzle missing that one piece. The image is incomplete, there is no way of knowing what the whole picture is, sure you can guess, but you can never understand until you look at the image on the box, seeing the image as a whole thing, understanding it better than when missing a piece, the most important piece of all.
And still there is silence, in a vacuum. No one to hear your cries, no one to hear your tears, no one to hear your pain.
And in every incident, a shark comes close. Many times they can be pushed away, many times they can be scared away, but always they come back, angrier and with their own protection of more sharks.
Growing weaker, unable to hold the door shut for longer, less help than at the beginning, the person on the other sife grows stronger, and can push through the door, it can't be long until that happens, surely, one side no longer able to keep it shut, it always ends in disaster.
Wednesday, 21 March 2012
I just hate it when someone sneezes, even if they try to stop the germs from spreading, it is always annoying.
Sneezing loud or quiet doesn't make a difference to me. If there is a sneeze, it is still a sneeze.
Sneezing into midair is always irritating, especially when you are eating or just in that room, I do not want your germs all over me, our mouths are dirty which makes it even worse. But there is only one way which protects everyone else from your sneeze which is hard to spread around, sneezing into your arm-elbow joint. Reduces the majority of it to yourself. Sneezing into a cloth never helps, it just goes through it, and our hands aren't that good at protecting us either. So there is no use sneezing any other way than into your arm, make everyone else happy and not ill.
Then you have those people who sneeze all the time and they always come in large groups. And when you have to live with one of those people who also are cooking your food at the same time, you just want to scream at them.
Hygiene is something that bothers me, and if someone sneezes over my food, and I know about it, I am very cautious, then I just think, I will only be ill, like anyone actually cares about that.
And then you have to enter a room, and someone sitting near you is ill, and they are coughing and sneezing and all that. You just want to move away, and you can't because there is nowhere else to move to.
And then you get people who have a really runny nose. They sniff and sniff, don't think to get a tissue, and continue sniffing when everything is really quiet and you are trying to concentrate. And then, 'A-CHOOOOOO' yes, they sneeze and it just goes everywhere and there is that little spec of wet on the table which is in perfect vision of a light, and it is a flickering light, so you see it, then you don't then when you've forgotten about it, it comes back.
Shark Attack
It was cold and progressive, only she knew what was going to happen, there was no way she could tell anyone without sounding completely mad, and there was no one to care, many to listen, but none to care. Anyone can listen, but only a few will care. Telling someone would just mean that they can listen, implying something means that someone cares if they know what it is.
It is hard, living in a world full of people who just constantly put you down, no point doing anything if someone says you can't do that very well and doesn't tell you how to improve, just hold it against them, and that is what this girl does. If someone says anything like that that they can feel guilty for, then she will use it against them, fair enough really, but no one ever really notices until it becomes a really big problem.
It wasn't an easy day, the panic in the morning, as though something was calling her, soon to do something really bad, completely uncontrollable, and that was the problem, she couldn't control it forever. It was only a matter of time. The panic wasn't easy of course. Generally at night where she wouldn't have to see anyone until the morning, but being in the morning, she had to be very careful. She couldn't let her family know, not knowing how that will change their relationship, and not being able to do anything as there was no one she could talk to and nothing she could do to distract herself. And to cope with it, she, in panic, cut herself.
Nothing much she could do now, school. The walk wasn't easy, especially that day, she was apprehensive, and this was clear, having to walk past so many people, and judging her as she goes. Hating roads and cars never helps, especially in the school parking area, cars coming down, the buses with people on them, staring out of the window with their piercing eyes.
And the first think she saw was not helpful, the one person she never wants to see, trying to avoid her, her voice calls out, walking past saying an irritated, 'yes, I'm fine,' and just carrying on until the end of the corridor comes into reach, and out again.
And the fire alarm goes off, 'great' she thought, slowly going into the required area. And throughout the time, no one notices that she can't stop mouthing and thinking the same thing, 'bigger and angrier,' but that is just how everyone is, only caring for themselves.
The day went pretty bad, about seven times that day she cried, all for the same and different reasons, at the same time. So a bit confusing, she was still thinking, 'bigger and angrier,' and it carried out through the whole day.
She almost wanted to kick someone that day, 'oh, as usual, you did really good in that lesson,' her response in her head, 'yes, it is good that I can spend 50 minutes staring at my pen and not doing anything productive, oh, and crying, good to know my powers of invisibility are still working and I can get good grades by staring at a pen.' and after that moment where she stood there frozen, she left. The rest of the day didn't go to well, all based upon the theory that if you cry, no one can see you and that you can't do anything right, that's why your work went missing.
So, a bad day for her, and at the end, she had to explain part of it to her friend before she went completely mad, again.
She ended the day not doing that much, a bit of work and something to try and calm her, but just ended up sitting around thinking of what could happen.
The next two days really bothered her. The first of these two ended with her alone and isolated, the afternoon lessons really cause her to complain about the lack of competence of the teachers ability to teach and that it is impossible to complete the three projects in the next week.
The second of these two days was just the cherry on the cake. Someone decided to talk to her, and started talking about sharks, that didn't help, sharks were the problem in the first place. What is the point in talking to people if they are just going to make you feel worse than you already do, not taking part because she isn't a 'team player' and not wanting to talk to anyone about it.
Eventually she just gave up and said, 'the sharks are bigger and angrier then they've ever been before.'
A quietness flew into the room, everything was silent, and from then, nothing was the same.
A cold breath came from her and the day just went, having no memory of what has just happened in that day.
Sharks came into her mind, and all of a sudden, a shark attack came into her mind, the pain and the fear, a flood of emotions and a burning on her arm, it seemed so real, she felt as though she had to be there.
She held a knife in her hand, blood just rushing down her arm. Everything went black, couldn't remember anything, couldn't think of anything, it had all just gone. No one to help until it was too late, no thing else was there.
She lay on the bed, bandaged arm, and no one had any idea, no one cared, and no one wanted to listen, and the sharks had come and bitten her arm, deeper and more fierce than they had before.
Not very well written, but the idea is still the same.
It is hard, living in a world full of people who just constantly put you down, no point doing anything if someone says you can't do that very well and doesn't tell you how to improve, just hold it against them, and that is what this girl does. If someone says anything like that that they can feel guilty for, then she will use it against them, fair enough really, but no one ever really notices until it becomes a really big problem.
It wasn't an easy day, the panic in the morning, as though something was calling her, soon to do something really bad, completely uncontrollable, and that was the problem, she couldn't control it forever. It was only a matter of time. The panic wasn't easy of course. Generally at night where she wouldn't have to see anyone until the morning, but being in the morning, she had to be very careful. She couldn't let her family know, not knowing how that will change their relationship, and not being able to do anything as there was no one she could talk to and nothing she could do to distract herself. And to cope with it, she, in panic, cut herself.
Nothing much she could do now, school. The walk wasn't easy, especially that day, she was apprehensive, and this was clear, having to walk past so many people, and judging her as she goes. Hating roads and cars never helps, especially in the school parking area, cars coming down, the buses with people on them, staring out of the window with their piercing eyes.
And the first think she saw was not helpful, the one person she never wants to see, trying to avoid her, her voice calls out, walking past saying an irritated, 'yes, I'm fine,' and just carrying on until the end of the corridor comes into reach, and out again.
And the fire alarm goes off, 'great' she thought, slowly going into the required area. And throughout the time, no one notices that she can't stop mouthing and thinking the same thing, 'bigger and angrier,' but that is just how everyone is, only caring for themselves.
The day went pretty bad, about seven times that day she cried, all for the same and different reasons, at the same time. So a bit confusing, she was still thinking, 'bigger and angrier,' and it carried out through the whole day.
She almost wanted to kick someone that day, 'oh, as usual, you did really good in that lesson,' her response in her head, 'yes, it is good that I can spend 50 minutes staring at my pen and not doing anything productive, oh, and crying, good to know my powers of invisibility are still working and I can get good grades by staring at a pen.' and after that moment where she stood there frozen, she left. The rest of the day didn't go to well, all based upon the theory that if you cry, no one can see you and that you can't do anything right, that's why your work went missing.
So, a bad day for her, and at the end, she had to explain part of it to her friend before she went completely mad, again.
She ended the day not doing that much, a bit of work and something to try and calm her, but just ended up sitting around thinking of what could happen.
The next two days really bothered her. The first of these two ended with her alone and isolated, the afternoon lessons really cause her to complain about the lack of competence of the teachers ability to teach and that it is impossible to complete the three projects in the next week.
The second of these two days was just the cherry on the cake. Someone decided to talk to her, and started talking about sharks, that didn't help, sharks were the problem in the first place. What is the point in talking to people if they are just going to make you feel worse than you already do, not taking part because she isn't a 'team player' and not wanting to talk to anyone about it.
Eventually she just gave up and said, 'the sharks are bigger and angrier then they've ever been before.'
A quietness flew into the room, everything was silent, and from then, nothing was the same.
A cold breath came from her and the day just went, having no memory of what has just happened in that day.
Sharks came into her mind, and all of a sudden, a shark attack came into her mind, the pain and the fear, a flood of emotions and a burning on her arm, it seemed so real, she felt as though she had to be there.
She held a knife in her hand, blood just rushing down her arm. Everything went black, couldn't remember anything, couldn't think of anything, it had all just gone. No one to help until it was too late, no thing else was there.
She lay on the bed, bandaged arm, and no one had any idea, no one cared, and no one wanted to listen, and the sharks had come and bitten her arm, deeper and more fierce than they had before.
Not very well written, but the idea is still the same.
Sunday, 18 March 2012
570: Zorua
Zorua seems like the most stuck up pokemon ever, it looks as though it gets everything it wants and cares only for itself. And, like many other pokemon, its shiny version is pretty cool.
And with its stats in the games... defense isn't that great, but the attack stats make up for it, though you wouldn't want to be up against a more powerful pokemon, or just a pokemon with a greater speed than yours.
Zorua is a dark type pokemon, so is strong against psychic and ghost, but weak against fighting and bug pokemon.
And being a fifth gen pokemon, you can only get it in black and white, and, soon, black 2 and white 2. You can only get it through an event or trading with someone else. You can have Zorua eggs, so it isn't a complete waste for everyone.
Zorua can learn some decent moves, so it isn't completely useless, though isn't the best to have in the trading card games, only good to have against psychic pokemon.
Zorua does evolve into Zoroark at level 30 in the games, then its stats, as usual, get better.
As a pokemon, it is very irritating, it speaks into your mind, and in the anime, it has the most annoying voice. It does, however, transform, but, when hit by an attack that does damage, changes back, so not the best pokemon to have in your party, unless you know that you are going to get through the battle easily with it, and if not, get a better pokemon, or wait for it to evolve and it might be better then.
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Zorua, shiny version |
And with its stats in the games... defense isn't that great, but the attack stats make up for it, though you wouldn't want to be up against a more powerful pokemon, or just a pokemon with a greater speed than yours.
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In the movie: Zoroark: master of illusions |
Zorua is a dark type pokemon, so is strong against psychic and ghost, but weak against fighting and bug pokemon.
And being a fifth gen pokemon, you can only get it in black and white, and, soon, black 2 and white 2. You can only get it through an event or trading with someone else. You can have Zorua eggs, so it isn't a complete waste for everyone.
Zorua can learn some decent moves, so it isn't completely useless, though isn't the best to have in the trading card games, only good to have against psychic pokemon.
Zorua does evolve into Zoroark at level 30 in the games, then its stats, as usual, get better.
As a pokemon, it is very irritating, it speaks into your mind, and in the anime, it has the most annoying voice. It does, however, transform, but, when hit by an attack that does damage, changes back, so not the best pokemon to have in your party, unless you know that you are going to get through the battle easily with it, and if not, get a better pokemon, or wait for it to evolve and it might be better then.
Saturday, 17 March 2012
Holiday Guide to Wuhu Island
Wuhu Island
Your Holiday Guide to some of the Best Sights on the Island
(though they all are pretty amazing)
There are three opinions on this castle which we asked locals and visitors:
"There was this girl, her name unknown, and some of the more mysterious people of Wuhu Island built it for her, she likes to fly all over the island."
"Seeing the sunset on that island is beautiful, it is very romantic, I remember the first time I went out there with him other there, it is a night I'll never forget, I would recommend people to visit that island, definitely."
"The view is brilliant, especially watching the fireworks at night, it is even more amazing under a full moon!"
There is a mystery and amazing sights, when you visit the island, it is definitely a place to visit.
Here you will see the Red Gate bridge, connecting the pain village to the hotel, the bridge itself is something to walk, cycle or even drive across, everyone that comes to the island goes across the bridge, and it is amazing all times of the day.
Here is what some locals and visitors had to say about the bridge:
"It is a famous Wuhu landmark, linking the hotel to the rest of the island, it has shown great appreciation to locals and visitors!"
"The evening sun is dazzling for cars heading into town."
"I once flew through it, not a good idea unless you are a highly skilled pilot, the cables just get in the way, which is very inconsiderate of them if you ask me. There are people who would be willing to teach you to fly."
This is the all famous volcano Mt Tenganamanga, its altitude is just over 500m and the view, from flying above it, is unbelievable, you just have to believe it. It has made the island what it is and if it were just to walk away (this is very unlikely to happen, so when you visit, it will still be there) the island will not be the island we know and love today.
This is what people had to say about it:
"The pools of lava bubble all year round, just thinking about it makes me warm up."
"It is rather unusual, it has a hollow center. That mysterious castle, I believe, was built for the person who was brave enough to fly up and down it into the center of the volcano, she came out alive, and soon after that, the castle appeared, the two events must be linked."
"It is an active volcano, but it hasn't erupted for 200 years. There is no sign of dangerous activity, so should be safe for a very long time, so we all should be safe, and going to anywhere with an active volcano is always dangerous, it just makes it more fun."
The lighthouse is white, never forget that, it is very important to know, especially if someone asks you, it makes all the difference, and look, the sky is blue, that is an important fact you need to know, those are the only two facts you need to know, so, as long as you revise and memorize this, your stay at Wuhu Island will be even better.
The lighthouse it very important for ships to find their way to the island with ease at night when it is dark. It has been named, The Giant Candle, and you can blame them, it is a giant candle, but it won't burn the island away.
Here is what some people have to say:
"As it turns out, the lighthouse was mistakenly built at twice the planned size, that is why it is called the 'Giant' Candle."
"Some people will say that it was planned to look like a candle, I know it is a myth, I was one of the designers, and it was never even thought of to look like a candle until after it was built, we had to change the name as well because it was so big."
"The lighthouse produces as much light as 1,600,000 candles, now isn't that interesting, that is one giant candle!"
The Seaside hotel is the place you'll be staying on the main island, this is where it all starts out. The hold activities for people, they have lots of space and everyone is friendly. The food is the best you'll ever have and they have so much information on what goes on around the island, you'll wish you remembered to pack your reading glasses.
This is what people said about the hotel:
"It is a high quality hotel. The seaside hotel also does brilliant food, unfortunately, they do not accept food coupons."
"They offer an evening bike ride where a group of people cycle with each other, no matter their ability on a bike, this activity is always popular, I went on it, and I enjoyed the whole thing!"
"Here they have warm, comfortable beds, waiting there for you after a fun packed day on the island"
The lakeside castle is a key tourist attraction here on Wuhu Island. It has a little bridge going over the river and into the castle, it also has a small back door where you can walk into or out of the back and continue your little jog and sight see at the same time.
It sits on the Duckling Lake which goes down into the Shrieking Falls.
This is what residents and guests had to say about the castle.
"It may be difficult to reach, but the view from the castle is amazing, something you can only understand when you see it, no description, nor any image and describe the full beauty of it."
"At sunset, the sunset is a beautiful, but the sun is a bit dazzling, that is what makes the difficult climb so worth while."
"It has high walls, so unfortunately, it isn't the most ideal place to watch fireworks, but walking down from it at night is just stunning, indescribable."
Thursday, 15 March 2012
the banana effect
Our language is far to difficult to understand in most cases, too many words sounding the same but meaning different things, especially affect and effect, far too complicated to understand, and to use.
Effect is the noun, meaning something that is produced by a cause, for example, the heat gave the effect of a thousand small fires burning in the horizon
Affect is the verb, meaning to produce an effect or change, for example, the dark room affected the growth of the plant.
So, affect is the verb, so you are effecting something, and the effect is the noun, which is the product of the affect you cause.
Effect is the noun, meaning something that is produced by a cause, for example, the heat gave the effect of a thousand small fires burning in the horizon
Affect is the verb, meaning to produce an effect or change, for example, the dark room affected the growth of the plant.
So, affect is the verb, so you are effecting something, and the effect is the noun, which is the product of the affect you cause.
Wednesday, 14 March 2012
Super Food
(b)Rice and pasta are rivalling potatoes in popularity, however, they often lack interest. Discuss ways in which rice and pasta can be made more appealing.
Cook them with potatoes to make a super race of food, this could bring up interest, then the US government would take it away and experiment on this food like in the subway advert, but with dumber people.
Later on...
(b)Evaluate the importance of good customer care when serving food.
Be nice, but not too nice as that would be suspicious, and then the rice/pasta and potato super race of food will be destroyed, the USA would get suspicious and start a war with rice and pasta, resulting in making them more interesting.
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Potatoes are interesting, and you want to make rice and pasta more interesting, so why not mix them together, and they must make a super race of food. |
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This is what will be so amazing that it will have to be experimented on... |
Happiness in Death
It was a cold morning, a cold day, and an even colder evening. Everything changed that day, for the worse. It was only then when she realized that no one cared about her, only the fact that she had an amazing sister. That was the only reason people spoke to her, and now her sister died in a car accident, when she most needed it, no one was there for her. No one, she sat in tears at school, the week after the crash.
It was the morning, and nothing was good. She had to work with the people she considered friends, until she decided to walk out, there was no point after all. Her sister was the only reason that she could carry on with life, and, now having died, there was nothing left for her.
Her mind was flooded in thoughts, no one tried to stop her, and it felt like no one even noticed her leave. As though a ghost, dead, someone who no one cares about, no one looking for her, just walked through the door, and nothing had changed. Not even the people she was working with noticed.
She was very good at avoiding people, and knew all the places to hide, after all, she had done this many times before, and this time, like all the others, she couldn't be found.
The corridors were silent, no sign of life was present, it was like the world had run away from her, and there would be no one to help her.
It wasn't until after the lunch break did she decide to go back to her lesson, maybe fifteen minutes late, but no one saw her come in or sit down, she just started to draw. She was the best at art in the school, and always drew the most creative things, even when they had a dark feeling to them.
Today, she sat on her own, no one came to speak to her, the only thing she could do was text her mum, 'help' so she would pick her up from school.
It was as though her whole world changed in just one minute. As she left school, she began to think that there was nothing worth living for. The evening continued this, normally she would have a 'friend' come over, not this time though, it was as though there was plague in the house, and she had caught it.
Nothing went well the next three weeks, continuing the same pattern, she was unwanted, unloved, and there was no one she could talk to.
During art, she had finished her new project that week, naming it, 'Happiness in Death', of course no one would care, it was a message though, a message no one would get until it was too late.
She began listing the things she could do in her future, her art was good, but it wouldn't get her far, and she isn't brilliant with much else. There wasn't really anything she could do. There was nothing left to look forward to, her mum was due to die anytime in the next few months, her condition was getting much worse, and her dad died in the army when she was seven. So no family left, no friends, there was no one who world care for her.
It was that evening, three weeks later when she did it. Living in the cold reality, no one, nothing could make her feel better.
Her mother asleep, she did it. She grabbed a belt and hung it up. She stood on a stood, ready, no fear, no worries, this was the only way to end all her problems, a simple solution that doesn't cause any more problems, perfect. She hung down, hanging from the ceiling, being suffocated, no regrets, no cries of pain.
She was soon dead. The silence of the night was endless, happiness was now among her, her mother died too, that night, the whole family dead. In the morning, there was no mourning. Slowly forgotten and put behind other people, as though nothing had ever happened.
It was the morning, and nothing was good. She had to work with the people she considered friends, until she decided to walk out, there was no point after all. Her sister was the only reason that she could carry on with life, and, now having died, there was nothing left for her.
Her mind was flooded in thoughts, no one tried to stop her, and it felt like no one even noticed her leave. As though a ghost, dead, someone who no one cares about, no one looking for her, just walked through the door, and nothing had changed. Not even the people she was working with noticed.
She was very good at avoiding people, and knew all the places to hide, after all, she had done this many times before, and this time, like all the others, she couldn't be found.
The corridors were silent, no sign of life was present, it was like the world had run away from her, and there would be no one to help her.
It wasn't until after the lunch break did she decide to go back to her lesson, maybe fifteen minutes late, but no one saw her come in or sit down, she just started to draw. She was the best at art in the school, and always drew the most creative things, even when they had a dark feeling to them.
Today, she sat on her own, no one came to speak to her, the only thing she could do was text her mum, 'help' so she would pick her up from school.
It was as though her whole world changed in just one minute. As she left school, she began to think that there was nothing worth living for. The evening continued this, normally she would have a 'friend' come over, not this time though, it was as though there was plague in the house, and she had caught it.
Nothing went well the next three weeks, continuing the same pattern, she was unwanted, unloved, and there was no one she could talk to.
During art, she had finished her new project that week, naming it, 'Happiness in Death', of course no one would care, it was a message though, a message no one would get until it was too late.
She began listing the things she could do in her future, her art was good, but it wouldn't get her far, and she isn't brilliant with much else. There wasn't really anything she could do. There was nothing left to look forward to, her mum was due to die anytime in the next few months, her condition was getting much worse, and her dad died in the army when she was seven. So no family left, no friends, there was no one who world care for her.
It was that evening, three weeks later when she did it. Living in the cold reality, no one, nothing could make her feel better.
Her mother asleep, she did it. She grabbed a belt and hung it up. She stood on a stood, ready, no fear, no worries, this was the only way to end all her problems, a simple solution that doesn't cause any more problems, perfect. She hung down, hanging from the ceiling, being suffocated, no regrets, no cries of pain.
She was soon dead. The silence of the night was endless, happiness was now among her, her mother died too, that night, the whole family dead. In the morning, there was no mourning. Slowly forgotten and put behind other people, as though nothing had ever happened.
Tuesday, 13 March 2012
Birthdays just add a number to your age, something, that as we grow older, into adulthood, we never really want to tell anyone our age, because we are old.
Many people look forward to their own special day where they were born however many years ago, they get presents and cake. But, think about it, does anyone actually care? Not really, people go out to find a present you might like, and you really don't.
Why look forward to that day anyway, it isn't just your special day, it is also 19,164,955 other peoples birthdays as well, and to think about it, not everyone can celebrate their day, and for them it is just another day of survival here on earth.
Birthdays just reinforce the idea about how little anyone cares about me, and how pointless life can get. So I never look forward to it, it generally just ends in tears anyway.
Then there are those two types of people, the people who don't make a big deal about it and the people who make a big deal about it. The people who don't make a big deal about it, generally they will have the better day, with the people they like and having a good day with their family as well. The people who make such a fuss about it, more than likely will have a good day, but moan about it the next day to everyone. And that is what I hate about it so much. People are really self centered when it comes to their birthdays.
Lots of people make such a big deal about it, you wonder why you don't just throw a pen at them. And even the people who don't seem to make a big fuss over it, they do, probably to a small group of people. And people get so sad when they don't get what they want. I don't like birthdays because there is nothing special to them. And some how, someone will find out that it is my birthday and then everyone just jokes about it whilst I sit there thinking, 'it is so good you know nothing about me'.
And people want to celebrate with a crowd of people surrounding them, and you don't need that.
Then there are people singing to you, which, is fine, but when someone decides to sing to you, and you are clearly not in the mood for it, doesn't really help.
Candles are annoying too. You can burn yourself with them, safety hazard!!!
To conclude, in case you got lost, birthdays are long, boring days, like every other day, and nothing good can really be said about them, so why bother? Celebrate it if you want, but remember there are those who can't, and it only gets worse when you look at the reality.
Think, you don't need a crowd to celebrate your age, just one person can make everything special to you.
Many people look forward to their own special day where they were born however many years ago, they get presents and cake. But, think about it, does anyone actually care? Not really, people go out to find a present you might like, and you really don't.
Why look forward to that day anyway, it isn't just your special day, it is also 19,164,955 other peoples birthdays as well, and to think about it, not everyone can celebrate their day, and for them it is just another day of survival here on earth.
Birthdays just reinforce the idea about how little anyone cares about me, and how pointless life can get. So I never look forward to it, it generally just ends in tears anyway.
Then there are those two types of people, the people who don't make a big deal about it and the people who make a big deal about it. The people who don't make a big deal about it, generally they will have the better day, with the people they like and having a good day with their family as well. The people who make such a fuss about it, more than likely will have a good day, but moan about it the next day to everyone. And that is what I hate about it so much. People are really self centered when it comes to their birthdays.
Lots of people make such a big deal about it, you wonder why you don't just throw a pen at them. And even the people who don't seem to make a big fuss over it, they do, probably to a small group of people. And people get so sad when they don't get what they want. I don't like birthdays because there is nothing special to them. And some how, someone will find out that it is my birthday and then everyone just jokes about it whilst I sit there thinking, 'it is so good you know nothing about me'.
And people want to celebrate with a crowd of people surrounding them, and you don't need that.
Then there are people singing to you, which, is fine, but when someone decides to sing to you, and you are clearly not in the mood for it, doesn't really help.
Candles are annoying too. You can burn yourself with them, safety hazard!!!
To conclude, in case you got lost, birthdays are long, boring days, like every other day, and nothing good can really be said about them, so why bother? Celebrate it if you want, but remember there are those who can't, and it only gets worse when you look at the reality.
Think, you don't need a crowd to celebrate your age, just one person can make everything special to you.
Monday, 12 March 2012
The birth of Vanillite, Vanillish & Vanilluxe
Meanwhile in GameFreak Studios...
Whist creating the 5th generation of pokemon, one of the game designers is stumped, nothing left to inspire him, he goes out to get an ice cream, it is a warm day today, and the sun is shining at its full power on this bright afternoon, so bright in fact that it seems the sun is shining, not because it has to, but because a light wave of magical power is following the game designer.
Still pondering in his thought on what could be another 5th generation pokemon, he looks to his ice-cream, he shouts, "Eureka", and runs back to the GameFreak Studios, three new pokemon are born.
Whist creating the 5th generation of pokemon, one of the game designers is stumped, nothing left to inspire him, he goes out to get an ice cream, it is a warm day today, and the sun is shining at its full power on this bright afternoon, so bright in fact that it seems the sun is shining, not because it has to, but because a light wave of magical power is following the game designer.
Still pondering in his thought on what could be another 5th generation pokemon, he looks to his ice-cream, he shouts, "Eureka", and runs back to the GameFreak Studios, three new pokemon are born.
Sunday, 11 March 2012
The introduction marks the beginning of something, like a story, you learn about the character and setting, the start of an adventure, whether it is with dragons and your quest to find the orb of the ancestors no one has seen but the story runs down your family in a prophesy which will give prosperity to your kingdom, or just to introduce the quiet person hidden in the corner no one seems to notice and to say hi.
So, I say, "Hi."
There is one very simple question I can answer, this is the most simple question we seem to take for granted, this question is...
Why am I here? Well, my friend said that I am a good writer and suggested that I write a blog to write stories relating to life so I fell less sad about it (because I am depressed she said), also, one of the people I have to talk to (because I am depressed) said that I should write a diary (well this counts too I guess) and she said that I am a really good writer and would be really good at it, so I chose to listen to these people.
So, according to people I see pretty much all the time, I can write good stories, I can rant about lots (because I have so much to complain about, including that window I have to sit next to), and I have a really good imagination, so apparently, this should be good.
So to end the introduction, I decided that, as one of my likes is pokemon, that an image should be displayed...
So, I say, "Hi."
There is one very simple question I can answer, this is the most simple question we seem to take for granted, this question is...
Why am I here? Well, my friend said that I am a good writer and suggested that I write a blog to write stories relating to life so I fell less sad about it (because I am depressed she said), also, one of the people I have to talk to (because I am depressed) said that I should write a diary (well this counts too I guess) and she said that I am a really good writer and would be really good at it, so I chose to listen to these people.
So, according to people I see pretty much all the time, I can write good stories, I can rant about lots (because I have so much to complain about, including that window I have to sit next to), and I have a really good imagination, so apparently, this should be good.
So to end the introduction, I decided that, as one of my likes is pokemon, that an image should be displayed...
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