Wednesday 4 April 2012


She wore a white coat, keeping her warm, she doesn't wear any fancy costume, but is just herself, hiding from the others and the normals.
The others are the people who also have a power, they are feared by the normals. These are the people who have no power, and they are afraid of the king, Stephen. He took the advantage of overruling the previous king, never had one of the others been king, but that is because they hide from the world, and the normals do not like being ruled by the others, and nor do the others, they know that together they have the power to bring storms to destroy villages and to bring the dead back to life, everyone knows this.
You never know if you are one of the others until you are a teenager, and they could come at the late years or even very early. You find out soon after, daily patterns change and it is then you realize something isn't quite right. The others are separated from the normals, they don't rule this land as its own country, they are ruled under the kings land, a large area, wars were won, taxes were paid, life was good as long as you followed the kings orders, laws were placed with punishments for all kinds of people, for the others, it was much worse, and the fear was only two words had to be changed in order for the normals to have a worse life than the others.
The others' land was also ruled by the highest voted man in the election for the next king, if the king died first, then a new man would replace if they got the highest, if the other leader died first, then the king had complete power over it, and that would mean a mass killing would be carried out. The younger people who had just discovered their ability hid in the shadows and wouldn't tell anyone, if they were caught, they would be executed, if one of the others found out, you would have to move to the other land, in the mountains, in the cold. The rest of the county was warm and safe, the complete opposite to the dark mountains.
The best part of being part of the other's is that, though there are animals that will kill you in the night, they have the power to stop a war on them, they couldn't lose, even with the toughest men being used. They knew everything outside of the dark mountains, they knew if there were any people hiding, they knew if there was a festival on, they also knew what was happening inside the king's head, and that was their advantage, king Stephen used this against the former king. That is why they were feared.
But not all of the others should be feared, there are the ones who don't want power, they don't want to be above the normals, they wanted to be with them.
This is where she came in. She held up the stone to show equality between the light and the dark and was now part of the secret force, against the northwestern others. They were the people who were not known to these easterners. They couldn't be found as they had a shield around them which only the people allowed in can pass through. This was one thing everyone could do, seek for others, then they just had their own specialty. It shows straight away, and no one can help support them in getting the full potential out of their abilities.
They lived like the west people, but they didn't have their advantage, so it was hard to plan out an attack without the right people on their side. And even with these people, Stephen was one strong person. Sunniva was a powerful girl, she didn't live with the others, but with the normals. Her power was easily hidden, and she could almost control it, she just has to stay clam and not be caught.
She had reached the guarded border of the dark mountains, her invisibility was useful very often, unfortunately her footprints remained visible, so had to take the long way around, following a guard in front of her reporting news of a trespasser.
The only downside was that, in light, her shadow can be seen, so she had to move in the dark to get through, and even then, now that there has been a sign of an intruder, strong lights could be turned on. Her power was an illusion, signals are sent out so people think that no one is there and would see what is really there, light isn't effected by this so would just stop and form a shadow.
If they saw her shadow, she would be killed on the spot, no questions asked, no one could get in and no one could get out, that was the rules, the path up the mountains begun at the border, only one known way up to the normals, and it was to stay that way.
The coldness of the mountains slowed Sunniva, only the ambition to find her purpose led her, she wanted the country to be safe, and not let the wrong people take over, even if that meant the king Stephen, the one person she never thought she would have had to.
With only meters to go, the lights turned on, peoples faces were lit with the annoyance of the sudden light, even she stopped to remember where she was. She saw her shadow, lights turned to her, she ran north, it was a slow reaction, about five seconds after she reached the path up the mountains, and another three before the first shot was made, three long seconds before the first hit her and she fell down. Three hundred meters to the ground below, dead...

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