Sunday 15 April 2012

In a world living only in the imagination and forgetting the pain of reality, it isn't easy to find the right path to travel on. Not only does it involve real courage to face the world everyday, staying as far away from people as possible, but also trying to hide the fact that you are living in your own imagination.
Influenced by everything seen, heard and them carrying on from formally imagined things, it was never easy to keep everything away from people. There was always the good story, but there qas always that bad one, the one that affected her everyday actions. The things she could do, the way she did them, she was scared of people much of the time, she was scared of windows, scared someone was watching, scared someone was going to kill her, scared of herself. 
She sometimes makes ot worse, as though she deserves the pain she creates. 
Then, pain strikes the reality, there is no way out, she is in a dungeon, no escape, just concrete walls surrounding her, no light, no hope for the future. Of course she is still in touch with reality slightly, even thinking about it reminds herself that she is no good (believing this, trying to hide from it, bit it never worked).

The imagination is a musterious place, hard to control, and difficult to change after years of following one single pattern, but with a dragon, pegasus or unicorn, it is fun. With nothing to look forward to, not that good. Even reading a book can change something so much it is hard to think what is really going on...

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