Saturday 26 May 2012

It was just another day for the screams to cry in her mind and everything else to make her lose more and more contact with what reality she had left.

All she could focus on now was the war, it wasn't even real, no one would listen, and they wouldn't understand, the war started in instabilities in the picture. There were two groups of people, they were both really to blame. There was a Pegasus, the only one which had some control over any land, which was very confusing. This one turned out to be that no one could trust it, it worked for the people of the mountains, which is just another name for the dark people, but the people already didn't like anyone else outside of their territory, they are very territorial, and always fought for more land when they thought that they needed it.
So, there was a Pegasus that turned out to be bad, and instabilities. The Pegasus ordered the soldiers on the borders to leave, they prevented any wars from happening, it was only when they are told to leave when the situation is really bad. In order to remove the soldiers, there has to be a majority of the leaders voting for this, but there are always ways to persuade, of force, them to vote a specific way.
Anyway, the soldiers had left, then the fighting began, these places aren't named like normal, but are categorized, there was ALPHA-A-7 and ALPHA-A-9 that started the whole thing, they had different skills, but their fighting skills were about the same lever, there was just more from ALPHA-A-7 than ALPHA-A-9. Eventually, the whole of ALPHA-A was fighting, this was the worst thing that could have happened. They were the best war fighters when they fight ALPHA-B all the way to ALPHA-I, but it is more like a blood bath when they fight each other, all they want to do is win, in the end, they never really remember what they are fighting for, and they never surrender. They just continue until the other side surrenders, and that isn't going to happen here.
And that was the problem for this person, created a world full of war, her thoughts could never hold peace, there are times when it is peaceful, and those are the best, but when it loses complete control, it leads to the most terrible times.
Though there was BETA where it is based on what the real world is, just generally worse, and then highly impossible things that she does actually believe in, the only thing she won't believe is reality, because it seems like the most impossible thing that she feels as though she has created.
Then again, she does question her own existence sometimes, and occasionally does do some things people don't want her to do, but it confirms her existence and the fact that they are alive.

Back to the war then and the effects on her then. Well, there is constant screaming from young people, old people, the women and the men, the cries of death continually there, almost never ending. They kept her awake at night, and then the sound of metal on metal and the pain that there was being caused made it even more worse, she even saw fighting happening occasionally, the times that she needed the peace, they came at their worse, it couldn't be controlled, it wouldn't end.
It felt like she was fighting a war between herself and reality, and this seemed like the only real thing that could be felt by her, she had given up with people and just thought that there was no point caring anymore, whether someone was saying something nice or not.

And not even talking helped anymore, usually wrote it out somewhere so she felt as though there was something that would help, and that had just left her. There was a scream, and almost screamed herself, but couldn't. Exams weren't helping, revision was distracted by all of this, couldn't even get it out, so she couldn't focus, then the exams,  they weren't really that great, couldn't even remember the english exam, and that was the one everyone asked about.

What made it worse was that there were two people. Both she was close to, mainly because she didn't really have a choice, but close to all the same. The first one had no idea that she could be sad in any way, no idea at all, even when it seemed really obvious. The other, the one everyone wanted her to talk to, wasn't really supportive, she just commented negatively on everything that was going on in her life, so how could she talk to this person? She couldn't.
It felt to her that she was only a receiver, waiting for something to tell her where to go next, no point doing anything herself, after all, there seemed to be little control from anything. Feels like there is something watching and it won't go away. The thing is, it has been like that for years and it is only been a short time after actually being able to talk to someone, which doesn't even seem to be helping.

The war continued, talked about it slightly, but never changed, only got worse and worse, the screams, never ending, everything seemed to be closing in, no where to run, like a tunnel, but there was no exit, the entrance was blocked up, no where to hide, even in her own room, she didn't feel safe.

All she thought of was that she was hopeless and worthless, and there was no positives, only negatives. She was a failure, that is what she told herself, she gave in to the things going on in her head, she had no idea what she was doing sometimes, and others, well, she just listened to them, they seemed more powerful than she was, and she was the real person, no matter what she said.

The Pegasus, that was the thing that made her smile as a child, but now it had gone against her. It was one of the last things she wanted to happen, the things she could trust, she no longer could, there was too much to be scared of now, too much to hide from.
And she always asked herself, why? Why did I start all of this? Why did I never run away from it all when I had the chance? And she can never answer them. Not even sorry is enough, all she wants to do is hide from world and hide from herself because there is nothing else that she can do, only scream, scream with the screams inside her head.
She is lost, and no longer sees the point, there is nothing, only darkness, no light can enter, the walls cannot be broken, and there is only fear, and even that no longer seems real, only the blank feelings, hopelessness, that is all that is left. There is only one thing that can bring peace, it would end the wars and end it all, but refuses to think of that yet to the reality, she doesn't want to lose, but there is no way to win.

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