Friday 18 October 2013

I felt really weird earlier, and I couldn't even say that I felt /10 about something then I had to think whether to say the number between 7 and 9 or just write 7 or 9. In the end I wrote 9 because I decided that writing between makes it look like i have problems and 7 was too low. I think I am in a really bad place at the moment.
I think I should just give up.

Friday 11 October 2013

Currently I feel like crap. I find it really annoying that I couldn't stop crying for long enough at college earlier, just casually starting crying in front of one of my teachers. Although I find it funny how my tutor seems to be completely avoiding me except for occasional lesson stuff. But I don't know what to do. I can't stop crying even now, even when at home when it is most important to appear to be okay. Not good. And it has been like this all week, and I'm still not overly sure what it is that is getting to me most. So there was Jack who decided at some point that he is a bird... not funny, especially in the middle of a lesson. There is that general guy who has always scared me who seems to be really unhappy with me, but he never liked me, however saying that, he is getting a hell of a lot worse now. Then the fact that I am stressed with college because I am so fed up with life that I can't keep up with college. So that isn't going to help me with trying to get a decent grade in physics this year. And the list can go on and on. This week should have been semi decent and now all I can do is cry. I don't know who to talk to this weekend, I don't know what I can do that is actually productive-ish... I will do some homework, but that is only because I have to do it and there is nothing I can do to get out of that, I don't really want to have to accept that there is something completely wrong with all my college work, but at the same time I have to respect the fact that I can't think well enough to do anything than write about how I'm feeling into a little box because it is going to end up as nonsense anyway. All I am thinking about is shark, and pokemon, pokemon x and y come out tomorrow... But that isn't exactly a productive use of my time to be playing that for two days before college. I don't know any more.